The Art of Administration Training Program and Summer Intensives
Summer 2025
on Whidbey Island, in Freeport, Maine, and online
Artwork by Michael Pinchera
2 year Program in Administration, Leadership and School Development
Leading with Spirit is a professional development program designed to support administrative leadership in Waldorf Schools and Collaborative Institutions across the continent. It includes three one-week summer intensives that can be taken separately or as part of a two-year part-time program with monthly mentoring, research projects, independent study, and participation in online collegial seminars.
“Without the experience, resources and ongoing support, I have had from this program,
I don’t think I would have survived the last six months.
In so many ways, personally and professionally,
it has helped me learn, grow and be successful.”
Program participant 2017
Waldorf Schools work with a new pedagogy based on a holistic, age-appropriate image of child development. They also practice a new form of community life in which teachers, administrative staff, and parents are partners in developing the community of the school. The working together of these three groups in the life of the school requires insight, social sensitivity, and competence so that the school can be healthy and best serve the needs of the children. This new professional development course offers teachers, administrators, board members and parents an opportunity to reflect on and work with the challenges of building a Waldorf School Community that is vibrant, innovative and effective while honoring the unique contributions of each member of the community.
The summer intensives are based on the successful certificate and Master’s Program in Waldorf School Administration and Community Development offered at Sunbridge College between 1991 and 2008.
Each summer seminar can be taken on its own but, when taken in sequence, the seminars will build a deeper capacity for serving the community of Waldorf education.
Program Description and Content
FULL PROGRAM: Three summer sessions, monthly class calls to explore emerging topics, four weekend workshops, Mentoring, Independent Research, Online Cohort Support
Understanding the Social and Spiritual Foundations
School and the Image of the Human Being
The Dynamics of School Governance
Leadership in a Collaborative Spiritual Organization
The Healing Social Life: Working Together
Working Together in Community
Dialogue in Human Encounter
Group Roles and Team Development
Decision-making, Consensus and Facilitation
Understanding Conflict
Developing Community Dialogue over Time
Deepening Principles, Roles and Practices
Self-Administration and Collaboration
Phases of Administrative Development and Administrative Leadership
Our Dialogue with the World: Marketing, Enrollment, Finance and Development
A New Imagination for Partnership: Administration, Board and Faculty Relationships
Each day will consist of presentations, case work, artistic work and a seminar on inner development.
8:30-10:30 Singing, Verse and Morning Presentation
10:30-11:00 Morning Break
11:00-12:00 Case Study Work in Groups
12:00-12:30 Biography Conversations
12:30-1:45 Lunch Break
1:45-2:30 Case Study and Group work – session 2
2:30- 3:30 Painting and Observation or other arts.
3:30-4:00 Afternoon Break
4:00-5:00 Inner Development Seminar
5:00-5:30 Singing and Review of the Day
Core Faculty
(see about us page for more background)
Marti Stewart
Administrative Director, City of Lakes Waldorf SchoolSian Owen-Cruise, Ph.D.
School Administrator, Rudolf Steiner School of Ann ArborMichael Soule, MA
Administrator (retired), Whidbey Island Waldorf SchoolLisa Mahar, MA,
Administrator (retired), Monadnock Waldorf SchoolProgram Advisor
Christopher Schaefer, Ph.D.
Author, Consultant, Past President of Sunbridge College Full Program Option and Cost
The full program runs over two years with a week-long intensive each of three summers, a requirement to attend two-weekend courses each year (paid for separately), an independent study and research project each year, mentoring from program faculty and professionals in the field and ongoing online contact with a cohort group. Participation in the full program provides the participant with the widest range of course experience and personal support.
Completion of the full program leads to a Certificate in Administrative Leadership.
The cost of the full program is $5550
and includes the three summers
and two years of coaching
and monthly seminars
Partial Program Option Available
The program may also be taken in parts. Summers intensives, weekend seminars, and professional mentoring support are available separately.
Join the program in one of our locations this Summer and further your journey
Next course: Summer 2025
Registration open Feb 1
These courses will be held in person
and in a shortened online course. These intensives can be taken alone or as part of a 3-summer 2 -year certificate program in Waldorf Administration
The Art of Administration and Evolving Waldorf Schools:
Working Together in Community
Dialogue in Human Encounter
Group Roles and Team Development
Decision-making, Consensus and Facilitation
Understanding Conflict
Developing Community Dialogue over Time
Presentations, Case Studies, Discussion Groups, Inner Development, Artistic Work, Group Work
Whidbey Island, WA
July 13-18
Michael Soule, Marti Stewart, & Guests
$850 US or CDN plus
$50 registration fee
The Art of Administration and Evolving Waldorf Schools:
Deepening Principles, Roles, and Practices
Self-Administration and Collaboration
Phases of Administrative Development and Administrative Leadership
Our Dialogue with the World:
Marketing, Enrollment, Finance and Development
A New Imagination for Partnership:
Administration, Board and Faculty Relationships
Presentations, Case Studies, Discussion Groups, Inner Development, Artistic Work, Group Work
Maine Coast Waldorf School
July 20-25
with Lisa Mahar, Michael Soule, and Guests
$850 US or CDN
$50 registration fee
Online course Summer 2025
July 7-11
Working Together in Community
(content same as Whidbey
in condensed format )
with Lisa Mahar and Christine Scherding
$550 USD or CDN
plus $50 registration
Tuition for In-person Intensives
$850 (US or Canadian dollars)
plus $50 registration
Discounts available for multiple
participants from a single school
Tuition for Online Intensives
$550 (US or Canadian dollars)
plus $50 registration
Discounts available for multiple
participants from a single school
LWS partners with
the Regeneration Foundation
to provide small tuition support grants
to people of color.
Registration Application Process
You may register to participate in one of this summer’s intensives or you may decide to register for the whole two-year program which includes ongoing class meetings and professional mentoring, research projects and a certificate in Waldorf School Administration. Participants in the one-week summer intensive may still join the full program after the first week.
For the summer program only, please submit a letter including the information below with a $50 application fee made out to SCC to Lisa Mahar,
For the full two-year program, please submit a letter including the information below with a $100 application fee made out to SCC plus the following documents to Lisa Mahar,
Application should include: Name Address City State Zip Email Phone Current School or organizational affiliation Position
Location you are applying for: East Coast - West Coast - Online
For new students:
A brief one page description of your experience with and relationship
to Waldorf education and Anthroposophy
A short statement about why you would like to join this course
A resume
For returning students (summer sessions only):
A brief description of the major successes and challenges of your year, along with burning questions you are holding.
Tuition, Fees, and Financial Agreements
Course Registration:
To register for a single week or the full program, send a check to
Sound Circle Center
PO Box 15279 • Seattle WA • 98115
or contact us for online payment options
Single week program fee:
$850 tuition plus $50 registration fee
due with application.
Discounts available for additional participants from your school each plus $50 registration fee
Full 2-year program fee is $1500/year in addition to the three summer intensives ($850 each)
plus $100 registration due with the application
Total cost $5550
Payment options available
Tuition for the first summer week-long intensive may be applied to the whole program if a student decides to join the program after completing the first week.
The registration fee is non-refundable.
Course fees cannot be refunded within two weeks of the start date of the course. A $100 fee (in addition to the registration fee) will be charged and the tuition may be applied to the following year.
If a student is not able to continue in the full program, tuition will be refunded on a pro-rated basis.
Discounts: We have made every attempt to offer this program at the least possible cost. No scholarships are currently available.
We partner with The Regeneration Foundation that offers small tuition support grants for persons of color.
Other financial questions may be directed to Lisa Mahar at
“Seek the real practical life but seek it in a way that does not blind you to the spirit working in it. Seek the spirit, but do not seek it from spiritual egoism, from spiritual greed but look for it because you want to apply it unselfishly in practical life, in the material world. Make use of the ancient principle: spirit is never without matter, matter never without spirit.” – Rudolf Steiner
Leading with Spirit Art of Administration training program is a collaboration with Sound Circle Center for Arts and Anthroposophy in Seattle. Sound Circle is a recognized teacher training institute with the Association of Waldorf Schools of N. America. For more information about Sound Circle and its programs please visit them at